November 2022
6 November 2022 - 01:05
Fallout nv mouse not working
: After setting the display multiplexer type to "dGPU", the setting is not preserved across a reboot or resume from S4.
The mouse cursor will be sluggish for a few seconds before returning to normal operation.
To work around, click the mouse (right or left button).
: Mouse pointer gets stuck after turning on HDR from the Windows Control Panel or after toggling G-Sync from the NVIDIA control panel.
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed may crash on courses where players drive through water.
: Video playback stutters while scrolling down the YouTube page.
If this issue occurs, toggle the Windows HDR setting.
: TDR/corruption occurs in the game with Windows HDR enabled.
: Performance drop when there is mouse movement.
: The game may randomly crash during gameplay.
: The display may show random black screen flicker at 1080p.
: Flickering and visual corruption may appear after extended gameplay.
Visual corruption occurs
in the game.
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